Imagine that I dump 10,000 plastic eggs in your back yard. I assure you that inside one of those hollow eggs is a check for $1 Million dollars with your name on it. Would you get discouraged if you opened the first 100 eggs without finding the check? How about the first 1000 eggs? Of course not ! You'd just keep opening those eggs, just waiting for the moment when you'd find the check. St. Paul knew the meaning of the word "suffering." He had been beaten, stoned, imprisoned, shipwrecked, starved, and rejected. And yet Paul said that his sufferings were nothing compared to the glory that would come. In other words, Paul had opened a lot of empty eggs, but he never gave up or got discouraged. He believed that something great was in his future - God's glory revealed in him. Perhaps it feels to you as if your life has been nothing but empty eggs. You've already opened
99000 of them and you're not sure you've got the will to go on. Let me encourage you today. Don't
give up. I don't want to trivialize the challenges you are facing, but I do want to help you put them
into perspective. They are only temporary, and God has something much greater in store for you.
Compared to the glory that will be revealed in us one day, our suffering doesn't merit
discouragement. Hang on. Don't give up. Keep going. One day God will replace your
discouragement with incomparable glory!